Elysian Parnell
16 apartments of quiet luxury. Click here for more.

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Investing with us means trusting in our expertise and commitment to quality and timely delivery. Discover why our projects are a wise choice for investment.

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Investing in Real Estate

Discover the advantages of real estate investment with HR Group. Benefit from strategically located projects, meticulously designed and built by reputable partners, providing predictable cash flow and excellent long-term ROI.

Generate Cash Flow

Real estate investment's key advantage is cash flow, the income left after expenses and mortgage payments. With time and mortgage paydown, cash flow strengthens, offering stable and lucrative returns, making it a compelling investment choice.


Real estate values usually rise over time, allowing profitable property sales. Rental income can also grow with increasing rents, leading to higher cash flow. Real estate investment becomes an appealing path for wealth accumulation and financial growth.

Build Equity

Reducing your property mortgage builds equity, an asset contributing to your net worth. With growing equity, you gain leverage to acquire more properties, amplifying cash flow and wealth.

Invest in your new home today.

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Parnell, Auckland

World-class apartment living in Parnell, Auckland

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Auckland CBD

Well-appointed student accommodation in Auckland’s Learning Quarter

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Everything you need to know

What are the potential financial benefits of buying an off-plan property?
Buying off-plan can offer substantial financial benefits. You secure a property at today's price, and if property values rise during construction, you stand to benefit from increased equity when the property is complete.
How will I know the developer will deliver what they’ve promised?
To ensure confidence in the developer's commitment, check their track record and review their previous projects. You can also enquire about the project's funding, examining whether it heavily relies on purchaser funds or has a solid capital base in place. These factors will provide valuable insights into the developer's reliability and capability.
What makes HR Group different to other property developers?
We believe that building properties is not just about construction, but also about shaping communities and enhancing lifestyles. We deeply understand our role and responsibility in this endeavour. This is why we ensure that every project is the perfect fit for buyers or investors in every aspect, from design to location selection.

Everything you need to know

What tax benefits can I claim?
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What’s the brightline test?
Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet, euismod sceteriscue vetit. Imperdiet senectus ornare augue donec cuis. Uttrices ut nist egestas eros, nam sceteriscue. Uttricies tacus, nutta cras eget dotor ptacerat. Et in nutta fetis pettentescue augue. Porttitor hendrerit congue morbi proin aticuam.
Buying property in New Zealand
Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet, euismod sceteriscue vetit. Imperdiet senectus ornare augue donec cuis. Uttrices ut nist egestas eros, nam sceteriscue. Uttricies tacus, nutta cras eget dotor ptacerat. Et in nutta fetis pettentescue augue. Porttitor hendrerit congue morbi proin aticuam.